Support for K3NG Projects


The best way to get support for my projects is to use the Radio Artisan Group on  Membership is free and instantly approved, however new members have their first few postings moderated.  Please search the forum before posting to see if your issue has been addressed before.  Please do not post support requests in Github Issues areas.

Please, please, please read the documentation on this site.  Too often I get questions that can be easily answered by simply reading the documentation.

Please do not email me directly for support.  Please.

If you have a website, email tagline,  or ‘zed profile telling the world you’re a member of the conservative victim class because liberals / demoncrats / wokeness / DEI / CRT / immigrants / books in schools / “welfare queens” / “anchor babies” /  unisex bathrooms / abortion rights / “socialism” / kneeling football players / atheists / vaccines / face masks / non-Christians / sanctuary cities / the “war” against Christmas / rainbow flags / taxes / ammo prices / gun laws / science / blue states / blue cities / the blue sky / M&Ms / Taylor Swift are just ruining your life and you complain about how things were just OHMYGAWD SO MUCH BETTER under the 91 felony indictment count conman grifter wannabe-mob-boss rapist insurrectionist failed businessman, please don’t bother contacting me.

Feature Requests

I do take feature requests and keep track of them.  Please note that I tend to develop features based on a few guidelines or rules:

1. My level of interest in the feature

2. The level of difficulty in developing the feature

3. The number of similar requests and/or the usefulness to multiple people

I do not make any guarantees as to when a feature request will be developed as this is a hobby for me.  Please do not feel slighted if I develop someone else’s feature request before yours.  This isn’t meant as a personal insult, it’s just that I have follow what interests me in order to keep this being fun and not seem like a job.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I get support for one of your projects?

A: Post your questions on the Radio Artisan group.

Q: How can I show my appreciation for your work?

A: You can post pictures of your completed project on the Radio Artisan Group, or you can buy me something from my Amazon public wishlist.

Q: Can I pay you to develop a feature or a project?

A: Unless you’re planning to pay me enough to quit my day job, no.

Q: Could you update your code to support hardware device xyz?

A: In general, I will develop code support for specific devices if you send me a sample of the device I can keep and use for development and testing.  Do not send me a device without contacting me via email first.

Q: I built one of your project and I can’t get it working.  How can I get support for one of your projects?

A: Join the Radio Artisan group and seek support there.

Q: Could you teach me how to use an Arduino / code / solder / etc.?

A: Unfortunately I just don’t have the time to do this and what limited time I have I like to spend developing new features that many people can enjoy.  However, there is a HUGE community supporting Arduinos and amateur radio, and there are many fine people who can do a better job than I.  Google is your friend.

Q: I need help with one of your projects.  How can I get help?

A: Go to the Radio Artisan group.

Q: Can I post a question below?

A: Please don’t.

Q: I bought from a company a piece of hardware that runs your code.  I can’t get it working.  Can you help me?

A: Keep in mind that you just paid someone money for a piece of hardware and now you want me to support that commercial product, for free.  Seek help from the company that made a profit, or offer to pay me for my time like you did the company you just bought the hardware from.  I like helping people, but my time is valuable, too, and I’m not going to be the free support arm for any hardware manufacturers.

Q: I posted on the Radio Artisan group and you didn’t answer my post.  Why?

A: I’m probably swamped with work and life and just don’t have the time to answer.  Sorry.

Q: I posted on the Radio Artisan group and you didn’t answer my post.  Can I email you directly?

A: You can, but it won’t magically create more time for me to answer your question.  If you’re contributing code or have some comment that isn’t well suited for public display, email is appropriate.  If you send me a personal email asking for help with basic items, sorry, I’m likely not going to answer.

Q: What is your email address?

A: Anthony dot good at gmail dot com.

Q: Please, can I post a question below?

A: Please don’t.

25 thoughts on “Support for K3NG Projects

      1. Hi,

        I had a look at:

        The K3NG Arduino CW Keyer

        Noticed a mistake…
        Connecting the Keyer
        Additional pins you may be interested in for other functionality:

        Rotary Encode Speed Control – no default pins are defined; two pins are required, defined by rotary_pin1 and rotary_pin1.

        It should say:
        Rotary Encode Speed Control – no default pins are defined; two pins are required, defined by rotary_pin1 and rotary_pin2.

        As showing at section:
        Rotary Encoder Speed Control

        Isn’t it ?


      2. Hi Rafa. Your “Says” and “It should say” are the same. I’m not sure what needs to be updated. 73 Goody K3NG

  1. Hi Anthony,
    I’m interested in using your code to create a keyer with a Mega board. I don’t seem to find a link to the code! Can you please direct me?

    Kind regards,

  2. Just learning code and built the keyer to use with a Kenwood TS-820S. Great job on the code a features – you have made learning CW fun!!!! Thanks a million!!! KK6EZQ 73

  3. Hi maybe you could help me ,, i have built the board and uploaded the software to the chip but no information comes out on my screen

  4. I am impressed with your project , K3NG Keyer. I just had an idea , if you could port this keyer to Python for use with a RaspebrryPi Zero.

    This hardware is second to none as compared to Arduino and already has a lot of power built in.

    Just a thought.

  5. Hi. I have a problem to rotator worked with the sensor pulses.
    The sensor pulses (Arduino Nano) can hook into D6 and D7 (INT0 and INT1).
    On these pins the display. How to change the CODE that these pins were free? (Eg. D7-> A6)

    1. I just noticed that this is a few years old…
      Did you ever get it working?

      Anyway, my email I had written is below –

      I have the same problem, but worse.
      I cannot get the device (RemoteQTH) to work as configured by default.
      Did you have any trouble getting it running?
      The nano works, as I can load a LED flash program and get serial back on the monitor port.
      Any help bringing it up would be great!

      Re: Pulses…
      I plan to use an old pulse output rotor as I assume you are doing.
      To use the INTs as noted in the K3NG code header, you would have to move the LCD data pins off of the D6 or D7 (INT0 or INT1) to use INTs, connect to different data pins and redo the LCD code.
      I plan to (THEORY here…) make a TIMER INT and read the AZIMUTH pin in the TIMER INT callback.
      I plan to do it as fast as I can (10 ms??) unless that slows the other functions too much.
      I think if I set the interrupt speed right, I can resolve 1 degree and on the pulse reset to the nearest 10 degree mark.
      I figured it is about 60 seconds to rotate 360, so 1.66 sec / pulse (10 degrees) or 166ms / 1 degree.
      If I check every 10ms, I get 166 samples to see if the pulse is present.
      I think even 50ms should be OK.
      Should work IN THEORY.

      This is a THEORY now as I cannot get the thing to function now, so that is my first problem.

      Any help would be appreciated.


  6. Hi all, looking for a solution for my M0UPU rotator controller, it only displays dark squares on the first row. I suspect it is the programming, because when I run the “Hello World” routine, it works just fine. Has anyone had a problem with this? How did you solve it.

  7. possible HF block to install near antenna (V-Beam), but management on U1-U2 SCL, SDA, Q4-Q5 Ctl_LoZ-Ctl_HiZ? +12VDC, GND….. to remove on cable long 12 metres? 73!!! Serge

  8. Hi Goody,
    As a way of saying thanks for the great programs and support, I’m sending you one of my touch paddles. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I do operating my Arduino keyer with your code.
    73, Bob N1KW

  9. Good afternoon, when you activate the mode
    // [master][slave]

    there is such an error, how to fix it?
    In function `service_ethernet()’:
    ccJ0YhWm.ltrans8.o:(.text+0x4a0): undefined reference to `control_port’

  10. Guys I am looking for a circuit perhaps using an arduino for my antenna rotor. I DONT WANT TO CONTROL IT Just to have better reading of the direction . The analog system it has is not accurate enough . I was thinking on somehow using the analog information to display in a Oled a circle with a pointer inside that moves when the antenna rotates and keeps pointing the real life direction, Alas I am not much knowledgeable in this lore, can only imagine what I would like but dont know how to bring that to life

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